My name is Thadusha and being a Mom is my Superpower… I have always had a love for all things kids and baby. When I was little I would help my aunt take care of her gran kids. It was only natural that that I went into a field involving children. I completed my Psychology Degree majoring in Child Psychology and Education from UJ. I never thought I would work in a corporate however as luck would have it I started working in HR specialising in Talent Acquisition. My love for kids and counselling lingered all those years whilst working my 8 to 5 corporate job. After having my 3rd little boy I finally decided to take the plunge and follow my passion. I did a course in becoming a Breastfeeding Peer Counsellor and currently doing my certificate in becoming a Life Coach. I feel my entire trajectory of my life has lead me to this point. Taking over a well-established baby boutique as well as counselling and coaching moms. Every one of my pregnancies was completely different, it came with its own challenges of mamahood. When I was pregnant with my 1st little boy; I attended ante-natal classes; went to every single one of my doctors appointments as well as midwife appointments as I was planning on having natural delivery. The morning of the 16th June 2014 I started bleeding; thinking this is my mucous plug I casually called by midwife at 5am who advised me to go to ER but she assured me it probably was nothing serious. My gynae examined me and the bleeding was serious I was rushed into theatre for an emergency C-Section. I was terrified as not even the doctor could explain the bleeding. My eldest son was born with the cord wrapped around his neck and needed oxygen. Being a 1st time mom at the time this was more than traumatizing. Thankfully he was given the all clear and received an 8 out of 10 on his Apgar score. One of my major challenges was breastfeeding him. I struggled with vasospasms and plugged ducts and was told it was all normal and the pain will pass. Thinking about it now still makes me want to cry as I think about the pain I endured during the 1st few weeks of having a newborn. I managed to get to 6 months of breastfeeding and decided to stop as I thought my milk was not enough as I was going back to work. Little did I know it was all possible and I could have continued my breastfeeding journey. I was determined that when I do fall pregnant again that I would atleast pass the 6 month mark as my goal was 2 years. I watched all the You Tube videos, read the books and prayed that this journey was going to be different. Thankfully it was but it was then and there I realised how many mums go through the same; how you doubt yourself and your body. With my 2nd not so little boy my major challenge was when he started solids at 6 months. I again read the books, googled you name it but nothing could prepare me for a fussy eater. Honestly I have days that I still struggle with this and he’s 6 years old but it definitely did get better. Lastly my 3rd baby is almost 3yrs old and my challenge is sleep; wish he could sleep longer and through the night… as you can hear from MY story we all face different challenges as a mom be it feeding, sleep, colic etc….My story is here so that YOU mum are not alone; we in this together. Lots of Love, Thadusha

Baby Care Education
I am here as a first port of call for any questions, concerns or areas you would like to manage. Whether you are just looking at early preparation work or are navigating troublesome areas such as colic, teething, sleep or starting solids; you are welcome to contact me. We will do a full run through of where you are at and then create a personalised strategy to move forward. I look at you and your baby holistically, as often there are multiple concerns to look at and work through, and I offer continued support and check-ins where needed. There are times where I may refer you to a more specialised provider, such as your peadiatrician, lactation consultant, chiropractor or occupational therapist, depending on the level of care you or your baby need.
There is so much more to YOU in this moment right now, and I want to work with you to re-connect with that part of you that makes you whole. I see you; your exhaustion and disconnect, the anxiety and worries, and the emotions that you are not quite sure how to navigate. Whether you just need someone to talk to or you are trying to re-define yourself, I am here. If you have thoughts and emotions that are overwhelming you, I am here. If you need someone to advocate for your own self care and hold you accountable to the goals you set yourself, I am here. My goal is to walk alongside you for a little while as a support, a guide and a friend, until your legs feel strong enough to run on your own.